
Welcome to ekdwriter.com

This is my writing portfolio and website. Thank you for visiting!

Experience, Passion, and Creativity

Elizabeth is a writer, a creative problem solver, and an avid learner. There is nothing that she can’t or won’t try, if she hasn’t already!

About EKD

As a writer…

Elizabeth Kaye Daugherty is a creative writer and editor for many mediums with a focus on crafting diverse stories and experiences for all ages.
She believes that interactive fiction, particularly in the form of video games, is the future and has worked for the AAA studio, Activision Publishing, in pursuit of this belief.
Her education through Full Sail University awarded a BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment, attained in 2020, at a 3.6 GPA and a course director’s award. She honed her lifelong passion into a craft that she is eager to share and proud to call her own.

Self Published

Vocal Media

Vocal is a platform that allows writers to monetize and share their work, and offers regular prompts, or “challenges,” that award cash prizes and more.
View my Vocal Media profile.


Ebooks are a competitive market, and Smashwords offers the largest competition against other publishing giants.
View my Smashwords library.


Indie game developers know that itch.io is the best place to go to reach an audience of enthusiastic gamers and influencers in the indie dev space. It gives creators all the control over their product.
Play my Itch.io games.

Personal Blog

Creative Non-Fiction, Slice of Life, and Reviews

  • Archived Anticipation
    Episodic audio stories, podcasts, are a relatively novel storytelling medium directly a product of the streaming culture of the late 2010s and beyond. Yet oral storytelling is not new and is where all other storytelling comes from. From the first time a neanderthal communicated something they had learned or experienced, humans have translated stories throughContinue reading “Archived Anticipation”
  • Type
    I remember our first family computer as a mauve, clunky, fascinating piece of machinery with a pixilated Windows logo on the screen. And on the other side of that screen was a world of opportunity limited only by imagination. My father would show me this world, a world he learned the language of by teachingContinue reading “Type”
  • Class of 2020
    When I graduated from high school, my mother, father, and middle school aged brother and sister sat in the bleachers and cheered. They got pictures, clapped when the principal announced my name, and hugged me after the ceremony was over. When my brother graduated from high school, I travelled from 1,500 miles away to sitContinue reading “Class of 2020”